Business Guide

Business and Trade



As you prepare for your journey to Cameroon, it's important to be well-informed about the necessary entry requirements, local customs, and safety measures to ensure a success- ful and enjoyable experience. This guidance provides comprehensive information on essen- tial aspects such as passport validity, visa procedures, health precautions, and safety recommendations to help you navigate your trip with confidence and ease.

Entry Requirements

Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months from your date of entry into Came- roon, with at least two blank pages available. British nationals must hold a valid visa to enter Cameroon, which cannot be obtained upon arrival. However, if you possess a valid Came- roonian residence permit (CERPAC or Green Card), you may be exempt from visa require- ments. For detailed information on entry re- quirements, consider contacting the Cameroon High Commission in London.

Yellow Fever Vaccination

Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory for travelers arriving from countries with a risk of yellow fever transmission. This requirement is strictly enforced, and it's advisable to check the latest list of affected countries on the World Health Organization (WHO) or the National Travel Health Network and Centre’s Travel HealthPro website.

Money Matters

Cameroon operates primarily as a cash eco- nomy, although credit and debit card usage is increasing, especially in urban areas. It's recommended to carry enough foreign cur- rency to cover expenses, as exchanging money on the street is illegal, and travelers' cheques may pose difficulties. Take precautions against credit card fraud and consult your card issuer before traveling.

Local Laws and Customs

Respect local laws and customs, as homosexua- lity is generally unacceptable in Cameroon, with strict legal consequences. Avoid posses- sion, use, or trafficking of illegal drugs, and be aware of prohibited items such as certain beverages, food items, and artifacts. Modest behavior and attire, particularly in conservative areas and religious sites, are advised.

Safety and Security

Stay informed about local news and develop- ments, especially regarding civil unrest, cur- fews, and movement restrictions. Exercise cau- tion during road travel due to potential hazards such as robberies and car-jackings. Be vigilant in crowded areas and consider pre-deployment security training if working in Cameroon. The security situation in Cameroon varies across different regions, and it's important for travelers to be aware of specific advisories issued by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Deve- lopment Office (FCDO). Here's an overview of the current security state and travel guidance: The security situation in Cameroon presents various challenges for travelers. Mugging, armed robbery, and petty theft are prevalent, particularly in cities like Yaoundé, Douala, Ngaoundere, and Bafoussam. Travelers are advised to avoid isolated or poorer areas, exercise vigilance when walking alone or at night, and secure valuables to mitigate risks. Instances of car-jackings, kidnappings, and armed robberies have been reported along roads near borders with neighboring countries. Scams targeting foreign visitors are common, and caution is advised when approached by strangers or engaging in financial transactions. Additionally, terrorist groups such as Boko Haram and ISWA operate in the Far North region, posing a risk of violence and kidnapping. Travelers should monitor local advisories, avoid non-essential travel to high-risk areas, and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and security while in Cameroon.

Areas to Avoid (All Travel Advised Against)
  1. Far North Region: The FCDO advises against all travel to the Far North region, except wit- hin a 20km radius to the north, east, and west of Maroua, and 30 km south of Maroua.
  2. Areas within 40km of the Borders: Travel is advised against within 40km of the borders with Nigeria, Chad, and the Central African Republic (CAR).
  3. North West Region and South West Region: The FCDO advises against all travel to the North West and South West regions, including specific towns like Buea, Muyuka, and Tiko in Fako division.
  4. Bakassi Peninsula: All travel to the Bakassi Peninsula is advised against.
Areas of Heightened Caution (Essential Travel Only)
  1. Limbe and N3 Road: Essential travel only is advised for Limbe and the 35km stretch of N3 road connecting Limbe to the Littoral region in Fako division, South West region.
  2. Rest of North and Adamawa Regions: Essen- tial travel only is advised for the rest of the North and Adamawa regions, including Garoua in the North region, and areas within a 20km radius to the north, east, and west of Maroua, and 30km south of Maroua in the Far North region. Before traveling to Cameroon, it's crucial to check the current entry restrictions and requi- rements, as well as monitor the FCDO's advice for any updates on the security situation. Stay in contact with your travel provider and consi- der alternative routes if necessary. If transiting through another country, be sure to check the travel advice for that specific country as well. By staying informed and exercising caution, travelers can mitigate risks and ensure a safer journey to Cameroon.
Areas of Heightened Caution (Essential Travel Only)

Consult a healthcare professional before your trip to ensure necessary vaccinations and preventive measures, especially against diseases like malaria, typhoid, and yellow fever. Obtain comprehensive travel health insurance to cover medical expenses and emergencies during your stay.

Travel Insurance

Obtain comprehensive travel and medical insu- rance coverage before traveling to Cameroon to safeguard against unforeseen circumstances and emergencies.

Air Travel Options to Cameroon

Several airlines offer flights to Cameroon, connecting various international destinations to major airports in the country. Some of the prominent airlines include

  1. Air France
  2. Brussels Airlines
  3. Ethiopian Airlines
  4. Turkish Airlines
  5. Kenya Airways
  6. Emirates
  7. Qatar Airways
  8. Cameroon Airlines Company

These airlines operate routes connecting major cities around the world to Cameroon's main airports, including

  • Douala International Airport (DLA): Located in Douala, Cameroon's largest city, this airport serves as a major hub for domestic and inter- national flights.
  • Yaoundé Nsimalen International Airport (NSI): Situated in Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon, this airport offers connections to various domestic and international destina- tions.
Hotels in Cameroon

Cameroon boasts a range of accommodation options to suit various preferences and bud- gets. Some recommended hotels in major cities include

  1. Hilton Yaoundé (Yaoundé)
  2. Hotel Akwa Palace (Douala)
  3. Hotel Mont Fébé (Yaoundé)
  4. Hotel Lafalaise
  5. Hotel Sawa (Douala)
  6. La Falaise Hotel (Yaoundé)
  7. Djeuga Palace Hotel (Yaoundé)

These hotels offer comfortable accommoda- tions, modern amenities, and convenient loca- tions for travelers visiting Cameroon

Transport Options in Main Cities: Transportation within major cities in Ca- meroon, particularly Douala and Yaoun- dé, includes
  1. Taxis: Taxis are readily available and com- monly used for getting around cities. Ensure to negotiate fares before the journey or opt for metered taxis where available.
  2. Car Rentals: Several car rental companies operate in major cities, offering self-drive options or chauffeur-driven services for conve- nient transportation.
  3. Public Transport: Public buses and minibusses (known as bendy buses or taxi-brousses) provide affordable transportation options for traveling within cities and surrounding areas.
  4. Motorbike Taxis: Motorbike taxis, known locally as bend-skinned or Okadas, are popular for short-distance travel within cities, offering a quick and convenient mode of trans- portation.
  5. App based transports (Yango, Gozem...)
  6. Car rentals (Rent Auto...)

These transport options facilitate easy movement within major cities, allowing travelers to explore attractions, conduct business, and access essential services efficiently during their stay in Cameroon. For further assistance or urgent help while abroad, reach out to the nearest British Em- bassy, Consulate, or High Commission. Stay updated with the latest travel advisories from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Cameroon.

Contacts, Market Research and Trade

Establishing reliable contacts and conducting thorough market research are panel steps for UK businesses aiming to expand into Cameroon. The following resources can provide valuable assistance in navigating the Cameroonian market landscape and identifying business opportunities:

1. Cameroon Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Crafts (CCIMA)

The CCIMA serves as a key point of contact for businesses looking to enter the Cameroo- nian market. They offer information on local regulations, business practices, and investment opportunities.

2. UK Department for Business Trade (DBT) in Cameroon

The DIT office in Cameroon provides tai- lored support and guidance to UK companies interested in doing business in the country. They offer services such as market research, business matching, and assistance with trade missions.

3. Local Business Associations

Engaging with local business associations and industry groups can provide valuable insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and regulatory requirements specific to various sectors in Cameroon. Law No. 2021/023, dated December 16, 2021, governs interprofessional organizations in Cameroon. This legislation outlines the framework within which inter- professional organizations operate, addressing their establishment, functions, governance structure, and operational guidelines. It aims to promote collaboration and coordination among various professional entities, fostering synergy and efficiency in their activities while ensuring compliance with legal standards and safeguar- ding the interests of stakeholders involved. The law sets forth provisions aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and accountability of inter- professional organizations, thereby contributing to the overall development and prosperity of Cameroon's professional landscape.

4. Market Research Firms

Utilizing the services of market research firms with expertise in the Cameroonian market can help UK businesses gather relevant data, analyze market dynamics, and identify potential competitors and partners. Certainly, here is a brief description of each of the market research firms in Cameroon

  • Mccan
  • MW Marketing
  • AG Partners-Publicis
  • Cible Marketing
  • Ascèse
  • Brand C Communication
  • Acmar Média Group
  • Interactive consulting Sarl
  • Proximity
  • Média Plus
  • Média Target
  • Média Intelligence
  • Publicity and Design
  • 3-C-M communicatin
  • Omenkart
5. Trade Events and Exhibitions

Participating in trade events, expos, and ex- hibitions in Cameroon offers UK businesses opportunities to showcase their products and services, network with local stakeholders, and explore partnership prospects. Events such as the Cameroon International Business, Trade, and Investment Conference (CIBIC) and the In- ternational Trade Fair of Cameroon are worth considering.

  • PROMOTE (Salon de l’entreprise, de la PME et du Partenariat)
  • FIAC (Foire International des Affaires et du Commerce) FIAC Douala, or the Interna- tional Fair of Business and Trade in Douala, is a significant event in the economic landscape of Cameroon. It serves as a platform for bu- sinesses, both local and international, to show- case their products and services, explore trade opportunities, and foster partnerships. The fair typically attracts a diverse range of exhibitors from various industries, including manufac- turing, agriculture, technology, and services. Additionally, FIAC Douala often features confe- rences, workshops, and networking sessions aimed at promoting business development and economic growth in the region. Overall, FIAC Douala plays a crucial role in facilitating trade and investment activities, stimulating economic development, and promoting Cameroon as a hub for commerce and entrepreneurship.
  • PME EXCHANGE Forum International de la PME,, The PME Exchange, as part of the International SME Forum, serves as a gathering point for various stakeholders involved in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including microenterprises (TPE), small and medium-sized industries (PMI), and SMEs. It functions as a platform for fostering col- laboration, sharing insights, and promoting sustainable economic recovery. By facilitating discussions and forward-looking analysis, the PME Exchange aims to contribute to successful and enduring economic revitalization efforts. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in organizing and connecting SMEs within value chains, fos- tering linkages with both technical and financial partners to support their growth and develop- ment initiatives.
  • JNPME (Journées Nationales de la PME)
  • JNM (Journées Nationales du Management) : The National Management Days serve as a forum for exchange, debate, and the adoption of new management technologies, as well as for promoting awareness on issues of strategy, organization, and management to enhance the performance and overall competitiveness of African enterprises. This event brings together over 400 experts, senior executives, opera- tional managers, managers at all levels, opinion leaders, and media personalities. It provides a platform for sharing insights, discussing best practices, and exploring innovative approaches to management that can drive the growth and success of businesses across Africa.
  • SIARC (Salon International de l’Artisanat du Cameroun)
  • SAGO ( Salon de l’Action gouvernemental)
  • FOMARIC (Foire musicale et artistique)
  • F2I (Forum des investisseurs internatio- naux)
  • Salon de l’entreprenariat Feminin en Afrique Centrale
UK green finance offer for renewable energy

Green finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the development and delivery of renewable energy projects worldwide. The UK stands at the forefront of this domain, offering comprehensive solutions to enable the financing of environmentally sustainable initiatives. Here’s an overview of the UK’s green finance offer for renewable energy

  1. Structuring Financial Packages The UK excels in structuring financial packages tailored to the unique requirements of renewable energy projects. By leveraging its expertise in financial engineering, the UK ensures the viability and attractiveness of these projects to investors, thus facilitating their successful implementation.
  2. Capital Raising With a robust financial ecosystem and access to global capital markets, the UK is adept at raising capital for renewable energy projects. Whether through equity investments, debts financing, or innovative financial instruments, the UK provides avenues for securing the necessary funding to drive sustainable energy initiatives.
  3. Legal Services The UK boats a world repected legal system and expertise in crafting robust legal frameworks for renewable energy projects. From contract drafting to regulatory compliance, UK legal services ensure the smooth execution and operation of renewable energy ventures, instilling confidence among investors and stakeholders.
  4. Accounting and Insurance Services The UK offers comprehensive accounting and insurance services tailored to the renewable energy sector. With a keen understanding of the industry’s risk landscape, UK firms provide risk mitigation strategies, financial reporting, and insurance coverage to safeguard renewable energy investments and assets.

Export Potential and Considerations

  1. While funding itself may not be classified as an export, it serves as a crucial enabler for renewable energy projects, driving export opportunities for related services.
  2. he UK’s expertise in green finance presents significant export potential particularly in challenging markets or projects involving new technologies.
  3. Professional services including legal, accounting, and insurance, constitute tangible exports and typically account for 1-2% of the total project value, representing lucrative opportunities for UK firms.

Green finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the development and delivery of renewable energy projects worldwide. The UK stands at the forefront of this domain, offering comprehensive solutions to enable the financing of environmentally sustainable initiatives. Here’s an overview of the UK’s green finance offer for renewable energy

UK export finance (UKEF) support for renewable energy exports

UK export finance (UKEF), serves as a vital component of the UK’s export strategy, providing financial and insurance products to support increased exports from the UK, particularly in the renewable energy sector. Here’s an overview of UKEF’s role and key offerings

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