Sea Transport

Sea Transport

Cameroon officially has three main seaports: Douala, Limbé and Kribi, to which add four offshore oil terminals in the regions of Limbé and Kribi and four secondary port sites located on either side of Douala.

The ports of Douala and Kribi offer investors and ships a number of services set out in the texts below The long-term lease system for warehouses located in the public port domain refers to temporary operating authorisations granted for a period greater than or equal to one (1) year. The rental rates for warehouses located in the public port domain under the longterm lease system are set as follows (in CFA Francs).

From CFAF 113 to CFAF 226 /m3 or T/ km - Loading rates from 267 to 1,350 CFAF/ tonne - Unloading tariffs from 717 to 7,550 CFAF/ tonne

1st zone warehouses, Container Terminal hangar and fish market per square metre and per year 2nd and 3rd zone warehouses, per square metre and per year Ex Fish market in the Fishing Port: per square metre and per year
17.000 13.500 6.500
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